3 min readJan 26, 2022



Do you feel like you are hurt badly and everything is exhausted? Do you always think about disappearing? Do you feel like the knife is calling your name, promising you to convert all the noises in your head into silence? Do you think you should end your life when you congratulate others on their progress but all you keep listening is “We are sorry” ? Do you want to get rid of all these thoughts?

According to research, 41% of the U.S population suffer from anxiety in 2021. But you don’t need to worry. You might be so sick of it all but there are good days too when your heart will be full of happiness. The day when you will laugh having tears of joy in your eyes.

Heads down to read the tips to overcome anxiety and become a confident and lively person.

Avoid caffeine and alcohol

Start avoiding caffeine (a chemical found in coffee, chocolate, and energy drinks). Overconsumption of caffeine may increase your anxiety, stress as well as harm your sleep.

People with anxiety disorders consume alcohol and expects to get relief from anxiety. However, alcohol can cause long term effects of anxiety and make it make it more worse. So, stop taking alcohol from today.

Replace caffeine, alcohol and energy drinks by herbal tea, water and fresh juices.

Get proper sleep

Take a good nap at night, not too much or too little. Getting a good sleep will refresh your mind. Study shows that the negative thoughts while going to sleep can lead to anticipatory anxiety and disturbs your routine. so, it is necessary to take proper sleep.

Henderson says.

“A brief mental vacation can break the cycle of anxious thoughts.”

Participate in physical activities

It is observed and experienced that exercise helps to calm the mind by stimulating chemicals in the brain called endorphins. Taking part in exercises reduces stress level and mental health condition. So, we suggest you to get participate in physical activities at least twice a week.

Consult Psychiatrist

Many people feel hesitant to talk about anxiety problems because they think that if they open up, they will be put on medication for their whole life, but medication is as necessary as the other treatments are.

Do talk about your anxiety with your psychiatrist. Tell your friends and family that you are going through a difficult time and it makes you feel that you are not alone.

Spend time in nature

The human brain has a deep connection with nature. It gives relaxation and peace to our minds.

Research says that a 90-minute walk in nature lowers the negative ruminations. Spending quality time in nature is mandatory to get rid of anxiety issues.

Final Verdict

Well, we have shared the important tactics with you to prevent anxiety. Fortunately, anxiety can be treated. Start following these steps to win the battle against anxiety and make sure that anxiety isn’t resisting you to achieve your goals.

