7 min readMay 8, 2022


Benefits of Acai Berry

The stunning purple-colored and juicy acai berries are considered a superfood due to their tremendous health benefits. Do you also love this dark purple fruit as I do? Your answer must be yes! Acai juices, Acai puree, smoothies, everyone loves Acai berries.

They are popular and praised for their health and well-being benefits. Acai berries are about one-inch round fruits. They are found in the deep rain forests of South America and grow on acai palm trees.

Fresh acai berries aren’t available everywhere because of their short shelf life. However, they are preserved as pressed juice, frozen fruit puree, or dried powder. Acai berry extract is used in different food products and consumed in smoothies, ice creams, candies, pills, and many cosmetic products.

13 healthful benefits of acai berries

Would you believe these tiny berries can have a massive impact on your health?

The fruit certainly has a lot of nutrition and is helpful for various health concerns, including weight loss, heart health, skincare, brain function, and digestion. It also boosts your immunity and increases your energy levels.

Acai berries may contain dietary fiber, carbohydrates, healthy fats, and protein. You will also find vitamins and minerals in acai berries such as:

Vitamin A

Vitamin E

Vitamin C





With unique and numerous nutritional profiles, it is obvious why acai berries are called a ‘superfood .’ However, while discussing the health benefits associated with acai berries, it’s important to remember that more studies are needed to confirm that this is precisely a healthful food.

Let’s find out more juicy details about this healthful fruit. Below are the most researched health benefits of acai berries.

Improves Cholesterol level

While you are enjoying an acai berry smoothie, you must know its benefits for your heart health. Acai berry contains plant sterols that help prevent the absorption of dietary cholesterol. In addition, animal-based research indicates that they promote heart health by reducing LDL, a kind of bad cholesterol in the body.

Researchers say that anthocyanins antioxidants in acai play a significant role in cholesterol-lowering effects. However, it is essential to recognize that more studies are needed to support this benefit of acai.

Nutrition Packed

If you think of having an acai puree to start your day, you indeed can have it. Acai berries contain a variety of nutrients. ½ cup of frozen acai puree provides the following nutrition:

Calories 60gm

Carbohydrates 6g

Fats 5g

Iron 0.6 mg

Calcium 35mg

Carbs 4gm

Acai berries are surprisingly high in fat compared to other fruits and are low in sugar. If you are a diabetic patient, acai juice would be a healthy option to maintain your glucose levels.

May cure cancer

This tiny dark purple fruit shows miraculous properties against cancer. Although, of course, there is no magical food or cure for cancer yet, however, anthocyanin, polyphenols, and carotenoid antioxidants in acai berries prevent forming and spreading cancer in the body.

The berries demonstrate the ability to attack cancer cells and slow down the disease progression. Researchers believe that acai berry could have a magical role in treating cancer — however, more research is required for the evidence.

Boost immune system

These bounties are very effective for the immune system. Everyone wishes to get a healthier immune system, and acai berries will surely help you have a more robust and active immune system.

Study shows that the consumption of acai berry boosts the production of human gamma delta T cells, which are an essential part of a healthy immune system.

Acai juice is an incredible source of vitamin C, which is a very well-known immunity booster. Vitamin C enhances iron absorption and also functions to improve your immunity by stimulating white blood cells in the body.

Research reports that antioxidant-rich berries can help prevent and repair oxidative damage and nourish a healthy libido, especially in men.

Enrich your skin health

Another interesting factor of acai berries is that they are beneficial for healthier skin. The antioxidants in the acai berry fight against free radicals and make your skin healthy, smooth, and vibrant.

Berries are also a powerful anti-aging agent. The combination of vitamin A and C keeps your skin brightened, smooth, and wrinkle-free. You must include acai berries in your diet if you want flawless and plump skin because fatty acids from acai will help improve your skin health.

Moreover, acai berries possess anti-inflammatory properties that fight against skin redness and irritation. In addition, acai contains magnesium, a crucial ingredient for hydrated skin. So if you have sensitive skin, acai berries are powerful enough to nourish your skin and make it shiny and softer.

Acai oil is used often in cosmetics products, and it relieves irritation and redness and moisturizes your skin.

Wow! You have got one more reason to love acai berries.

Maintain your brain health

Acai berries may also be effective for your brain health. The polyphenols in acai berries play a vital role in protecting brain cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which positively impact brain function and cognition. It defends your brain from neurological diseases.

Furthermore, your brain keeps itself clean and healthy by using a process called autophagy. In this process, your brain regularly wipes out the damaged and toxic cells that either don’t work anymore to stimulate the growth of new cells in the brain. Acai berries boost this brain cleanup.

Research shows that acai berry extract gives protection against the buildup of beta-amyloid. In addition, the antioxidants present in acai berry increase the blood flow to the brain and enhance your memory and brain function.

Boost your energy level

Suppose you are combating tiredness, exhaustion, and fatigue. In that case, you must add an acai bowl to your breakfast because acai berries are the storehouse of carbs, healthy fats, and proteins that support your body to maintain stamina and energy levels. In addition, they increase your energy level by increasing blood circulation.

Acai berry powder is an outstanding supplement for athletes gym-goers. The powder contains amino acids which are the building blocks of protein and are crucial to keeping healthy bodily functions.

Amino acids are absorbed rapidly and improve muscle growth, increase strength, and boost energy.

Rich in Antioxidant

Acai berries are rich in antioxidants which show potential for anti-inflammatory properties. Many foods like pomegranate, cocoa powder, and blueberries are known to be very high in antioxidants, but acai berries remain on the top of this list.

Antioxidants are protective against cell damage that can cause diseases like cancer, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

Weight loss

If you are struggling with weight loss, a well-balanced diet and exercise are crucial to achieving your goal. Unfortunately, there is no magical ingredient for weight reduction. But acai berries can somehow help you with weight loss.

Studies show that acai pulp may help maintain your health and weight loss by lowering fat deposits in the body. It is the best alternative to fatty snacks and fast food.

Improves digestive health

Acai berries contain fiber and antioxidants that are effective for your gut. Consumption of acai berries reduces the chances of constipation and other digestive problems and makes the excretory process regular. In addition, Acai berries might work as a prebiotic in the colon.

Moreover, they can improve your overall digestive health by feeding good gut bacteria. Having good gut bacteria is essential to help break down food and prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. Eating up fiber-rich acai berries reduces the risks of diarrhea as well.

Control Blood Pressure

The polyphenols in acai berries increase nitric acid production in endothelial cells, relaxing arteries. It can positively affect blood pressure, which is also good for the heart.

Acai berries contain plant sterols that act as vasodilators and relax blood vessels to reduce blood pressure.

Help Heal wounds

The acai berries possess significant wound healing properties. The acai berry water extract helps your skin heal wounds. The antioxidants present in acai berry fight against free radicals. A study conducted in 2017 showed that by using acai water extract, a scratch wound healed just after 24 hours.

Beneficial for bones and muscles

Acai berry has an essential mineral for optimal muscle function called magnesium. If the muscles in your arm and legs are strained, eating these little acai berries will instantly provide you relief from pain and discomfort. In addition, the magnesium present in this fruit makes it ideal for muscle sores and cramps.

Being high in potassium and calcium levels, these dark violet bounties help keep your bones and muscle strong and healthy.

Bottom line

Now, you have read the several benefits of this high in taste superfood and has an excellent nutritional profile. No doubt, acai berry is a superfood packed with all the necessary fiber, carbohydrates, fats, potent antioxidants, and vitamins and minerals.

Include this delightful bounty in your diet like a juice, smoothie, a fruit bowl, or add the dried acai powder to drinks to get excellent health without compromising on taste. Then, add them to your daily diet to reap their health benefits.

However, we suggest you consume acai berries in a measured amount in your daily routine to avoid any side effects. More research is needed to support the powerful health benefits of acai.

